My Webbed Site

some of my favorite books

some recent reads

welcome to my library!

reading is one of the things that i really enjoy. i would call it one of my main hobbies. i love to read classics, literary fiction, the occasional sci-fi/fantasy, and queer books. but i also read a little of everything. here you will find some of my favorite books, updates about what i'm reading, and various related things. i'd love to hear what other people are reading as well, so once this site is more developed i will try to add some sort of comment function. thanks for reading xoxo

current reads

cover art of the old gay pulp novel 'my purple winter' by carl corley, featuring a naked man astride a white horse
cover art of the gay pulp novel 'a lover mourned' by carl corley, featuring a man standing over the casket of another man
cover art of the gay pulp novel 'fallen eagle' by carl corley, featuring a naked man whose genitals are obscured by the outspread wings of a bald eagle
cover art of the gay pulp novel 'cast a wistful eye' by carl corley, featuring a nude man laying in a field of flowers
cover art of the gay pulp novel 'midtown queen' by julian mark, featuring a few mostly-nude men lifting weights
cover art of the gay pulp novel 'rally round the fag' by don holliday, featuring a man in a matador uniform mid-jump with a bull in the background