This is my catalogue of things I've recently watched or listened to. I don't usually watch many movies and I tend to keep the same few songs on repeat so I want to document the new bits of media that come into my life (though i think starting this page somewhat inspired me to watch a few movies). Click on the links to see my thoughts about each thing.
oh my god. i hate when parties in fantasy stories split up it's so stressful. i'm so stressed out. but i can't deny that it hooks me. i remembered that there was one urukhai that i thought was kinda hot as a kid so i spent basically all of this movie trying to remember which one it was.
i'm so obsessed with ents as a concept. i am incredibly pro-ent. I want to be merry and pippin just to be carried around by a big tree. and my opinion of the bad guys is that environmentally and morally i can't get behind them but vibes-wise i love their industrial fiery element. The scene of the ents storming isengard is the dopest shit ever.
anyway- along with everyone else i wonder why frodo and sam trust gollum but it's bc of the ring, right? literally nothing else could convince them to travel with that motherfucker through a disgusting ass swamp with no food. Seeing the switch back and forth from gollum's face to frodo's is insane as a human in 2025 the more i look at gollum the less i think he looks like a real creature, editing-wise. the weird ghostly versions of the nine look cool as fuck every time tbh. overall yeah i think i just love the way this whole series *looks*.
I am now also a Sam stan. Yknow the one thing i did not expect from lotr is that it would make me tear up every 15-20 minutes. Maybe i was just in a fragile emotional state at the time but the whole saving-the-world thing really got to me. so yeah i definitely get the hype and yes i finished ttt and immediately started rotk and did not get up or pause for the entire runtime. New favorite movies unlocked !!
i saw the lord of the rings trilogy once as a teenager and i frankly couldn't remember much about it. but ever since then i've been wanting to rewatch or read the series. it's one of those things that everyone has seen and loved and i'd like to be a part of. so here we are.
i simply can't resist an extended cut when it is available, because i hate the idea of missing any possible information, so of course i chose to watch the extended edition. i have no idea which parts are exclusive to the extended edition since i can barely remember the original version. my roommate walked in as i was watching this movie and almost immediately exclaimed "oh my gosh is this the extended edition" so i'm guessing there are a lot of obviously different scenes.
i don't think i have anything original to say about this movie, it's an overall amazing movie and literally everyone knows the plot of it by now. i was pretty struck by how beautiful all of the scenery is whenever there's a wide shot of them riding down a mountain or whatever. and the effects hold up really well though gollum sometimes looks wonky lol. after finishing this i immediately put on the two towers
i have heard all the hype about the movie and usually that doesn't get me but i can't pass up a transgender flick. first of all i must say that i am really not a big movie watcher and kinda suck at criticism, so don't make fun of me if i missed important stuff. kay. second of all i must mention that the tv i watched this on had its brightness turned down to like 8%, which i didn't realize til i had already finished the movie. this made the viewing experience somewhat difficult because there were a lot of scenes where i literally could not see anything. i assumed this was some sort of symbolism. lol. other than that i liked the colors in this movie, all the neons and striking contrasts, especially the bit at the end where they're in the astronomy projection thing.
ok now here are my opinions about the actual movie. spoilers or whatever
1. god i wished there was some sort of revalation at the end. please. i always hope for a happy ending unfortunately. and i know it's a horror movie about that big empty hole inside of you that sometimes never gets filled but. i wish. yknow.
2. a lot of the stuff that was said about time passing i felt incredibly hard, like all of the hints in the early stages of the film i was like oh my fucking god yeah i get that. the years are passing like seconds. i'm already 22.
3. i'm intrigued by the relationship between media and real life. as someone who enjoys consuming media i think it's easy to get wrapped up in fiction and forget to think about your real self. one's self versus the understanding of ones self that one can get from the internet or video games. and the possibility of seeing oneself in media and following that trail to find your real self. etc. head in the tv scene.
4. the rewatching the pink opaque and it was totally different and made no sense kinda got to me. is it because as an adult you're no longer letting yourself dream or because things truly have changed in your life. idk but i like it.
5. the end where he had successfully ignored the problematic aspects of life but can't prevent himself from screaming out in absolute terror because something is certainly going wrong and he doesn't know what and can't fix it. yeah. that's some real shit. despite having vanquished the transgender demons in my own life i feel like i am constantly fighting similar battles against my own depression and apathy. all of the dialogue in this movie is so short and concise but it still says all that it needs to.
yeah. enjoyed. thumbs up.
you'll never guess what this list is about. like i said above i don't actually watch that many movies so this list definitely has room to expand. in no particular order except for the top 2:
coming soon bc I don't feel like working on this right now